I usually refrain from linking blog posts and series, simply because that would require turning this endeavor into a full time job. With that being said, for those who missed White Dwarf #13, Dangerous Brian has posted a Houri Class, for Osric. Part 1 here, followed by Part 2.
New Releases

PARS FORTUNA combines the old school, rules-lite rules you love with 12 new races, 120 spells new to the old school, 120 new magic items, 140 new monsters, new magic rules, alternate rules for combat, equipment and encumbrance, rules for skills and knacks (i.e. a very simple skill system), a sample sandbox setting, a sample 1st level dungeon and general conversion notes for other old school rules. 120 pages.Visit the author at The Land of Nod, for more info on Pars Fortuna and a free copy of the Basic Rules PDF.

For the people of the border town of Aldin, danger was part of life. Savage beasts, extreme winters--these were things the people were prepared to deal with. What they weren't expecting to face was something so unholy that it was forbidden to speak of.
Now a young group of would-be adventurers on their way to potential riches are forced to take refuge in Aldin due to a severe storm. Will they manage to escape...Creatures Below the Shattered Moon - Volume 3 by by Joseph Browning. Art by David Esbri, Joan Guardiet, Rich Hershey. Expeditious Retreat Press. 5 pages. Available in PDF for $3.00.
After the cracking of the moon and before the rise of Atlantis the world was a place strange to the thoughts of honest men. The death throes of science amid the birth of magic sculpted new generations of conquerors who strode the lands forging civilizations of steel, sinew, and sorcery from the decrepit hulks of the ones that fell before. Tyrannical wizards, amoral super-scientists, charismatic catalysts, and multifarious mutants battled for wealth, power, and honor. It was ten thousand years of barbarity; ten thousand years spent in the shadowy shells of past glories, hiding from horrible creatures that scratched and skittered for blood; ten thousand years of tyranny and injustice, ten thousand years of Sorcery & Super Science!
This short PDF provides a harried GM with 19 new creatures, suitable for various power levels and certain to bring additional life to the world under the shattered moon.Free Downloads
Dragonsfoot brings us The Adventurer's Ordinance Part 2 by Jessie Muir.
ze bulette of Dungeons and Digressions has some more B2 index card maps. Here and then here.
Randall of RetroRoleplaying: The Blog has Microlite 75 Playtest Version 0.90 available.
Evan of In Places Deep has some more maps!
Media Releases
I Hit It With My Axe: Episode 36: Why Are You Covered In Blood, May I Ask?
ze bulette of Dungeons and Digressions has some more B2 index card maps. Here and then here.
Randall of RetroRoleplaying: The Blog has Microlite 75 Playtest Version 0.90 available.

Media Releases
I Hit It With My Axe: Episode 36: Why Are You Covered In Blood, May I Ask?
Save or Die Podcast # 12: Adventures at Sea!
Reviews from around the Blogoverse
Andreas of The Omnipotent Eye has posted Reading Dragons at Dawn Part 1.
Tenkar of Tenkar's Tavern has a Mini-review of Something Unholy Stirs.
Though it's a Preview, rather than a Review, Akrasia of Akratic Wizardry has brought us a rather informative first glance of the upcoming Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea.
Dangerous Brian has been doing some reviews lately, with an eye towards how the modules will fit his upcoming campaign. Here's reviews of Dark Riders of Misty Ridge and the Sarcophagus Legion. Then, In Search of the Unknown. Lastly, The Jade Hare, Temple of the Ape and Idol of the Orcs.
Roleplaying Tips has a review of Sorcery & Superscience.
Al of Beyond the Black Gate has playtested Goodman Games' Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Zachary of RPG Blog II has a review of Mini-Six: Bare Bones Edition.
In Other News
Zak of Playing D&D With Porn Stars fame is looking for some Playtesters!
Alexis of The Tao of D&D has launched The Same Universe Wiki.
What I'm Pimping this Week!
Stonehell Dungeon Supplement Two: Buried Secrets by Michael Curtis. 3 Headed Monster Games. Available in PDF format for $2.99. 20 pages.
Ah! More Stonehell! Just what I wanted for Christmas!
About The News
Reviews from around the Blogoverse
Andreas of The Omnipotent Eye has posted Reading Dragons at Dawn Part 1.
Tenkar of Tenkar's Tavern has a Mini-review of Something Unholy Stirs.
Though it's a Preview, rather than a Review, Akrasia of Akratic Wizardry has brought us a rather informative first glance of the upcoming Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea.
Dangerous Brian has been doing some reviews lately, with an eye towards how the modules will fit his upcoming campaign. Here's reviews of Dark Riders of Misty Ridge and the Sarcophagus Legion. Then, In Search of the Unknown. Lastly, The Jade Hare, Temple of the Ape and Idol of the Orcs.

Al of Beyond the Black Gate has playtested Goodman Games' Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Zachary of RPG Blog II has a review of Mini-Six: Bare Bones Edition.
In Other News
Zak of Playing D&D With Porn Stars fame is looking for some Playtesters!
Alexis of The Tao of D&D has launched The Same Universe Wiki.
What I'm Pimping this Week!
Stonehell Dungeon Supplement Two: Buried Secrets by Michael Curtis. 3 Headed Monster Games. Available in PDF format for $2.99. 20 pages.
The second in a series of supplemental material for STONEHELL DUNGEON, this twenty-page PDF is an anthology of three adventuring sites located in and around the ancient prison suitable for exploration by low-level characters. Included are “Modnar’s Cellar,” the undercroft of a ruined tower owned by a magic-user with a strange agenda, “The Nest of Otrogg,” a cave system once occupied by a loathsome cult, and “The Sanctuary of Chthonia,” a secret sub-level located inside Stonehell Dungeon and overseen by an undead witch. It also introduces two new spells, eight new monsters, two new magical items, and a pair of minor deities for your Labyrinth Lord™ game. This supplement contains three maps but no other interior illustrations.
Ah! More Stonehell! Just what I wanted for Christmas!
About The News
"Unless otherwise noted, all links to products and files are to the individual authors sites, pertinent posts, or sales pages. I don’t link directly to files, unless that is the only link available. The OSR News is produced as a service to the community and is entirely a non-commercial endeavor on my part. I have received no remuneration for advertising, reviewing or reporting on any of the items appearing herein. Please feel free to send me information on any new releases, events, or other items of interest, which you would like to see mentioned."As always, the What I’m Pimping This Week section of the OSR News and its accompanying blog widget, feature products which I have purchased (or items which are available for free download) and wish to support. No one has asked me to spotlight their material in this section and I have received no payment of any kind for doing so."
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