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Yawning and Posting

Got up at 4 a.m., which is early for me. Hell, some nights, that's not too far off from bedtime.

But I'm catching an early train to NYC, which... hey, you guys do know about the cheap train route to Manhattan, don't you? Especially if you live in Northeast Philly? Simply hop the R7 regional rail to Trenton, then transfer (in the same station) to NJ Transit's northeast corridor line. Takes about 2 hours and change, but round trip,it's only about $26. Which beats the hell out of $100 on Amtrak. If I was really cheap, I'd hop one of the two Chinatown to Chinatown bus services, where a round trip costs about $20, no questions asked. They depart from downtown, however, and that's a bit out of my way.

These deals work the other way, too, for any New Yorkers who want to check out Philly for a day.

Before I go, here's this week's WTF, but you might be better off reading our lead news story first. It's a bit weird, being quoted in your own newspaper. But Philly can be that kind of town.

And also check out the results of our "write a caption, win free beer" contest. I love the winning entry, but my personal favorite ends with the punchline, "Gee, I thought you said Ballantine..."

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