“Men are from Mars and women are from Venus,” we have heard that ubiquitous tidbit before, haven’t we? Have you wondered why we assign different planets to these two genders? Well, it’s mostly because men and women differ greatly in the way they perceive things, do things, and say things. Don’t believe us? Okay, just think of the last time you asked your boyfriend/girlfriend to solve a plumbing problem. Now, would you have done it the same way?
More often than not, we see men trying to create situations for themselves to make life easier for them. For instance, remember the episode in the popular TV series, Friends, when Chandler and Joey Just didn’t move from their chairs for over 18 hours? Yeah, they even cancelled sodas from their order because too much soda would make them want to use the loo, and they didn’t want to move, so no soda! Now, that’s most men – usually creative, childlike, lazy, and pragmatic. We don’t mean to stereotype, but that’s just the popular opinion, you know?
But, have you wondered what it’s like to live with a man? If you’ve dared to take that step, kudos to you. If you are planning to live with a man anytime soon, here’s a little peek into what life would look like-
1. Men Live In Apartments With Scanty Furnishing And See No Problem In That

Source: Twitter
The last time I visited a friend’s bachelor pad, I couldn’t help but ask him if he was moving out. There was barely anything in the house. He had 1 pillow, 1 bedspread, a spoon, a plate, and a mug. That’s all he needed. Apparently, that was enough for him to call it home. And here we are, the womenfolk, who need at least two pairs of clothes for a day out at a friend’s place. If you’re going to live with a man you should accustom yourself with the scanty furnishing and the minimalism. Well, it’s not because they are stingy, it’s just that they see no use of extra things lying around in the house. Fair enough, right?
2. They Believe That Everything Has Its Own Place

Source: pikabu
Be it a paperclip or a cigarette, they know exactly where to find it. You just have to navigate yourself towards it. It’s probably tucked somewhere between the laundry clothes or it’s probably fallen on the carpet. Whatever the case is, they believe that everything has its own place and it shall not be moved from there. Just like this man in the picture above. He knew exactly where this tiny paperclip was hiding, but he didn’t move it. Now, that’s some great memory there, don’t you think?
3. They Have A Distinct Style Of Running Errands

Source: pikabu
This man right here needs a round of applause. Firstly, he managed to take his baby out for a stroll, now that’s an achievement in itself, right? Secondly, he tried to make it a fun activity for himself. And lastly, look at that wonderful pattern he has created there! That’s some dedicated walk, isn’t it? This man simply emphasizes the fact that men will not compromise on their fun quotient even if they have to run an important errand.
4. Why Make Space When There’s Already Some Available?

Source: Twitter
This man found an easy storage nook for himself. He didn’t have to do much. He just had to make use of what was available to him, and he did that. Well, call it frugal or stingy, but this can save you some bucks and also, give you a good laugh. Agree with us?
5. When Creativity Strikes, It Just Does

Source: pikabu
What do you do when a sudden flash of creativity strikes you? You just act on it. Otherwise, you will lose out on the opportunity and maybe you will forget the creative impulse. That’s exactly what this man did here. He found out how to be a ninja turtle and he really wanted to be one. There’s no stopping him. Anybody wanna join?
6. Who Needs A Toothbrush Holder When You Have An Orange?

Source: Twitter
Necessity is the mother of all invention, right? And that’s evident here. This smarty-pants uses a citrus fruit to hold his toothbrushes. While he did that, he also wanted to make sure that the bathroom smelt good. So, it’s a multipurpose toothbrush holder and an air freshener at his disposal. We give that thought a plus one.
7. They Truly Believe That Sharing Is Caring

Source: Reddit
Men may have bulky bodies and arrogant attitudes, but when it comes to sharing food and essentials (read: alcohol, cigarettes, condoms, etc), they are the nicest human beings on this planet. Look at this man right here. He wouldn’t mind risking his life (and others’ lives on the road) and give his pal a pack of Oreos. Because we all know that there’s nothing better than a pack of Oreos to make someone’s day, right?
These pictures can never do justice to what it’s like to live with men. But, they do give you a trailer to the final picture. Sometimes, men are funny, creative, and unreasonable, but here’s the most important thing – they do what they feel like doing. If that keeps them happy, then why not? (Of course, not at the cost of others’ happiness)
Have you dared to cohabit a space with a man? How did that work out for you? If you are living with your partner, tell us what makes you crack up the most. Share your experiences in the comments below.
The post 7 Photos That Reveal What Living With A Man Is Like appeared first on STYLECRAZE.
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