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There's Going to be a Justin Bieber Museum Exhibit in Canada

I think my brain just went out for a smoke break when I read that there's going to be a Justin Bieber exhibit in a museum in Canada. Deep breath, be nice, okay, here we go. For those of you who are Bieber fans this might be an unexpected treat since more often than not stars don't really get that big of an exhibit unless they're older and more accomplished or have passed on and their memory deserves to be immortalized. In this case Bieber has been successful, he's still with us, and yet it's not something that was fully expected.

Beiber has kind of been an odd personality to get used to since for a good part of his career he's been known as the good boy, the fun-loving teen, and the young star that wants to please people with his music and just have a good time. Then came the turn when he grew up and wanted to be known as the bad boy, the rule-breaker, the hood that's not really a hood. A lot of fans would argue that he never wanted to be this way but his attitude and look suggested otherwise as he started stepping up and acting like a tough kid when in reality he's about as tough as a box of kittens but still has the star power to make something of himself.

There's no reason for anyone to be too surprised, bitter, or even question why there's going to be an exhibit of him, but then one could argue why there aren't well-known exhibits of other prominent Canadians such as Ryan Gosling, Jim Carrey, Drake, Michael J. Fox, and so on and so forth. Most of those that are from Canada really have more of a claim to fame than Bieber has ever known in his career no matter how well known his name has become. In fact many of them had already made their way into stardom and were working on securing a legendary status when Bieber was still in diapers. It's not a denial of his star status but more along the lines of a question as to why Canada didn't realize that there were other stars before Bieber.

Maybe that's premature because it is entirely possible that somewhere in the north part of the continent that there might in fact be shrines or museum exhibits to a number of popular Canadian stars. It might be that we just don't know about them because they've been around for so long and there was no one to say "hey come look at this" when they were first created. I kind of hope that's the case because otherwise Biebs is the first one we're hearing about and he's not the first Canadian star that's been produced.

Does he deserve this exhibit? That's not for anyone to say except those putting it up. Obviously they felt that Bieber was in fact worthy of a little worship and recognition, so hopefully people can come and enjoy.

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