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19 Recipes That Can Help Prevent You From Getting Sick This Winter

There are a lot of things that can lead to coming down with a winter bug—cold weather, stress, exhaustion, germs, or just plain bad luck. And, as we all know, being sick is the worst. There are some things you can do to arm yourself against winter viruses and up your odds of escaping this year’s flu season, including a flu shot, getting plenty of rest, washing the hell out of your hands, and—chief among them—eat well.

MORE: 10 Natural, Expert-Approved Ways to Beat the Flu

Food really is nature’s medicine (cheesy but true), so if you want to stay healthy in the coming months, nutrition should be a major priority. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of recipes featuring superfoods that can shore up your immune system, allowing it to dispense of any intruders rather than caving in to infections.

MORE: Feeling Uninspired in the Kitchen? Try These 20 Healthy Soups

From immunity-boosting, vitamin- and nutrient-packed greens like kale, broccoli, spinach, and brussels sprouts to sleeper superfoods like B-vitamin powerhouse cauliflower, antioxidant-filled pumpkin, and vitamin-C-rich beets, the 19 recipes ahead won’t just keep you healthy—they’re also delicious.

A version of this article was originally published in November 2016.

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