...what better than an extract from Confessions of a King's Road Cowboy by Johnny Cigarini?:
More though than his acting and his thuggery, John Bindon was famous for the size of his cock. And he would love showing it off and to everyone. He could grasp it with two large hands and still have plenty left over to swing in a circle. Dani called it, in a French accent, Le pink elicoptere. It was like a hose. His party trick in pubs was to put empty pint glasses on it, and put his penis through the handles. I believe he could do ten at one time, or something ridiculous.No wonder Princess Margaret was so keen on him...
I was having lunch with him in the Great American Disaster one day, when the waitress came to take our order, without lifting his haunches, he draped his cock across the table, stuck a fork in it and said, can I have this lightly grilled, darling? Yes, that was John Bindon, the thug with the giant one.
It was a bright and glorious summer day, we were outside the Chelsea Potter on the King’s Road. There was currently a government survey into the UK sex trade, being led by a very upright and proper English aristocrat named Lord Longford. Bindon saw Longford approaching on the pavement, so he whipped out his cock and started swirling it. "How would you like to put this in your report, Lord Longford?" he shouted down the King’s Road.
John Dennis Arthur Bindon (4th October 1943 - 10th October 1993)
International Men's Day was on 19th November.
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