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Samantha Goes to San Diego: What's in my Carry- On

Hey there friends! Today's post is another installment of my 'Samantha Goes to San Diego' series! I have one week (ahhhh!) until I'll be surrounded by beaches and palm trees! Today I'm sharing with you all lovely people what I am taking with me in my carry- on bag. Most airlines allow you to take a 'personal item' like a backpack, tote bag, briefcase, camera bag, etc., with you on your flight. These are all my travel/ "I'm going to be on a plane for 6+ hours so I'm going to be entertained" essentials. So let's go see what I'm taking with me!

Well here it is! Everything I'm taking with me in my carry- on. The bag that I'm using is my Nike backpack that I used for school. It's fairly good sized which is good so that I can put any gifts/souvenirs without taking up space in my suitcase.

First I'm gonna mention the things not pictured:

iPad: This will be my main form of entertainment on the flight. I have a few games downloaded and I plan on getting a book or two to read on the flights via iBooks. I plan on getting If I Stay by Gayle Foreman for sure but I'm not sure another one. Lemme know what you'd recommend!

Chargers: These are boring and don't look neat and tidy in a picture so I left them out. But don't worry I will be taking a plethora of chargers and cords. Cords for days!

Tickets: Since this post is pre-written post I don't have my tickets yet so I can't show them, but know that they will be in my carry-on.

Nikes: They were downstairs and I was too lazy to go down and get them for the picture... #oops but I will be taking them with me because I don't have enough space in my suitcase... I'm an overpacker, what can I say.

Pictured (left to right):

Purse: I'm taking this with me in my backpack because I'm definitely going to be using it when I land in Cali. I'll throw everything I need to in it and we'll be good to go and start our sightseeing! This is just a brown crossbody from Target I got at the beginning of this year. It's really spacious and I can fit quite a lot into it. I love crossbodies for traveling because I like having my purse close to me, especially traveling in a big city.

Backpack: Already mentioned above!

Camera: My camera. I wouldn't travel anywhere without it! I have a Canon Rebel xsi and I'm taking my 28-80 mm lens and my 75-300 mm lens. I love photography and I'm so excited to take some really awesome shots down in San Diego. I really wanna get some amazing sunset beach photos. That's like one of my to-do's while I'm there. I also have tons of memory cards and my charger in there as well.

Wallet and ID case: You might be wondering why I'm taking a wallet and an ID case. My answer: the wallet is for the airport so I can put my tickets, passes, etc., in them without having to fold them up. The ID case is for when I'm out sightseeing. It's small enough not to take up a lot of space and also to hold the necessary things, ID, money, cards, etc.

Waterproof case: I found this on Amazon and it's freaking awesome! Basically it's like a waterproof plastic bag and you put your phone or camera inside and you can put it in the water. How cool is that?! I'm excited to use this at the pool and beach to get some cool underwater shots. I'll let you know how it works!

Phone: Pretty self explatory. Lol.

iPod: Gotta have my music to listen to on my flight! I do need to download some new songs. Any recommendations? I love finding new music!

Case/lenses: I also found this on Amazon (I kinda love Amazon okay) and it's a macro and fisheye lens for my phone. I love taking pictures with my camera but sometimes I wanna use my phone to Instagram or send to my friends. I'm super excited to use the macro to do panorama shots! My inner nerd is freaking out.

Sandals: So I'm wearing flipflops to the airport and plan on changing into these sandals once I get through security. They have buckles and I know they're gonna be a pain to undo and redo going through the line. So I made it easy!

Point and Shoot camera: You might be wondering, "Sam why are you taking your big camera and this one?" My answer is simple, some places like museums don't allow to take big cameras in and only allow point and shoots. I don't wanna miss out on capturing the cool things inside so that's why I take two. I'm also letting my brother use this to take pictures as well. Aren't I good big sister? ;)

Sunglasses and case: I'm going to California so I think sunglasses are kinda necessary. Lol.

Advil: I always take Advil with me because sometimes I get headaches on the plane from the varying altitudes. So I always keep some with me.

Chapstick: I never leave anywhere without some. This kind is the mango Burt's Bees kind and I love it.

Headphones: Airplanes can be kinda noisy from the engines and just the people so I always take my headphones. These are Beats and they're awesome because they do help cancel out sound. Which is always nice when you're trying to sleep or don't wanna hear a little kid crying.

Gum: I'm a compulsive gum chewer so gum is an essential item I have to have with me at all times. It also helps to chew when you're flying to help relieve the pressure changes in your ears. Personally I just chew it because you never know when you could be seated to a cute guy.

Travel bag: This is just a nylon bag that I got from Old Navy. I love it because I can put all my little things inside and  be able to find them quickly and not have them rolling around in my bag. It has sailboats on it so naturally I had to buy it.

Sweater: It's always a bit chilly on airplanes so it's good to bring a sweater or sweatshirt with you. This is my favorite one I got from H&M last year and I'm obsessed. I also am taking it with me in my backpack because it's my bulkiest item and I can't fit it into my suitcase.

So that's everything that's in my carry-on bag that I'm taking with me to Cali! I'm suuper excited and it's almost here! I feel like a kid at Christmas!

Let me know in the comments or by tweeting me what your carry- on essentials are or what you take with you when you travel? I love seeing what other people pack because A) I'm nosy and B) it gives me ideas on things I should bring with me.

Till next time!

"i enjoy the preparatory elements of travel - packing my bags and choosing my outfits- but my favorite part is getting there"

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